Keynote Speech by Singapore’s Ambassador for Climate Action at the Sustainable Tech Forum 2025
Keynote Speech by Singapore’s Ambassador for Climate Action at Singapore Computer Society Sustainable Tech Forum
Can the Geek and the Green Co-Exist?
Senior Minister of State for Digital Development and Information, Dr Janil Puthucheary, President of the Singapore Computer Society, Mr Sam Liew, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, good morning.
Let me start with the broader context: what is the future of climate action?
The politics of climate change has become discernibly more challenging.
It’s not just the United States. There is political pushback against the climate agenda in many countries.
The short-term frustrations over rising costs have trumped concerns over the long-term perils of climate change.
But the economics of climate change will drive the politics over the medium term.
The momentum for decarbonisation continues to gather pace, on the back of cost considerations.
Solar and wind energy are now more cost-competitive than fossil fuels in many parts of the world.
The world now invests almost twice as much in clean energy as it does in fossil fuels1.
Many clean technologies that are still too expensive today are expected to move down the cost curve over the medium term.
Beyond politics and economics, nature will have the final say.
Climate change is already happening.
We are seeing more severe storms, wildfires, and floods, across the world.
Climate change will get worse in the coming decades, as global temperatures rise beyond the threshold of 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.
Rising sea levels, heat waves, and water shortages will devastate lives and livelihoods.
Eventually, countries and businesses will be forced to accelerate climate action –
decarbonisation to mitigate climate change; and
adaptation to deal with the consequences of climate change.
The twin trends – decarbonisation and worsening climate change – will likely lead to a future that is both low-carbon and climate-impaired.
For Singapore, decarbonisation is both an international obligation and economic necessity.
Singapore contributes only 0.1% of global emissions but every country must do its part. We have committed to reach net-zero emissions by 2050.
At the same time, the world will be reshaped by decarbonisation. Those with the will and enterprise to successfully transition to net-zero will thrive in this new world.
Singapore needs to undertake a triple transition:
an energy transition;
a carbon transition; and
an economic transition.
The triple transition will require us to fundamentally rethink the way we produce and consume.
The energy transition is about achieving a net-zero electricity grid.
The carbon transition is about reducing to net-zero all primary carbon emissions not related to electricity consumption.
The economic transition is about capturing new green growth opportunities and restructuring the economy to remain competitive in a low-carbon future.
The triple transition will entail numerous challenges - and the IT sector is one where the challenges can be particularly difficult.
The growing adoption of AI and the need for data centres has dramatically increased energy consumption, and by extension carbon emissions.
Globally, the ICT sector produces between 1.5% and 3% of carbon emissions2.
But left unchecked, the ICT sector could produce a third of global emissions by 20503.
Is there a fundamental conflict between AI development – and all the economic and social opportunities it enables – and sustainability?
Can the geek and the green co-exist? The question is especially relevant for Singapore.
For the next stage of our growth, Singapore needs to be both a digital economy and a green economy.
We aspire to be a leading centre for AI applications – to unlock the next frontier of economic growth and create positive impact for our people.
We also want to reach net-zero by 2050 and grow a competitive green economy – a challenging task given our limited domestic recourse to renewable energy.
There are no easy solutions. But those countries that successfully resolve the tensions between the geek and the green stand to gain substantially.
There are two ways in which the geek and the green can not only co-exist but be mutually reinforcing:
First, “greening the geek” – make the geek greener by decoupling the growth of AI from carbon emissions.
Second, “the geek enabling the green” – apply technology to support the broader greening of the economy.
Let me start with greening the geek.
This is essentially about reducing the ICT sector’s carbon emissions by raising energy efficiency – achieving the same outcomes using less energy.
Singapore is focusing efforts on our largest source of ICT emissions – data centres.
We are a hub for data centres – critical facilities that consume a lot of energy to store and process data.
Today, data centres contribute 82% of ICT-related emissions in Singapore4.
Going forward, the explosive growth in generative AI will require a significant increase in data centre capacity.
Let me outline four concrete steps Singapore is taking to green our data centres:
pausing the building of new data centres;
raising the temperature at which data centres operate;
testing energy efficient cooling solutions; and
developing more energy-efficient software.
First, Singapore paused the building of new data centres for three years to re-evaluate how to build new capacity without compromising on our net-zero goals5.
The government will allocate future data centre capacity to operators that prioritise both sustainability and economic value6.
This includes assessing their plans to use viable low-carbon energy sources and best-in-class solutions to improve power usage effectiveness7.
Second, raising the temperature at which data centres can operate.
Data centres typically operate at 22 degrees Celsius.
The Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) has trialled running data centres at 26 degrees Celsius and above with local operators.
Doing so can reduce energy used for cooling by up to 20% while maintaining optimal results8.
Third, testing novel energy efficient solutions to cool data centres.
Through the Sustainable Tropical Data Centre Testbed, researchers from NUS and NTU are trialling new cooling solutions.
For example, adapting Meta’s cooling system – which cools data centres through water evaporation – to high humidity through coating heat exchangers with special desiccants9.
Fourth, developing more energy efficient software to achieve the same computing outcomes.
Training a single large language deep learning model once produces 300 tonnes of carbon emissions. For a sense of scale, the average person consumes the equivalent of 5 tonnes of carbon emissions a year10.
The AI community must move away from such “Red AI” approaches – simply using ever more computing power to get incrementally better results. This is neither sustainable nor smart.
AI developers must consider energy efficiency as a key parameter alongside functionality, scalability, and security. This means things like:
training pre-existing AI models on new data compared to training a new model from scratch;
shifting towards reproducible, reusable code to avoid duplicated efforts; and
developing common standards for green software to drive their adoption.
IMDA is working with industry partners to set objective criteria for what counts as green software. It is important that all ICT firms align with these standards.
The geek becoming green is important. But the synergy between the two becomes much stronger when the geek can enable the green – where the ICT sector can support the broader greening of the economy.
Let me outline five ways in which ICT can enable effective climate action:
advance climate science research;
optimise resource and energy use;
provide solutions for decarbonisation;
enable measurement, reporting and verification of carbon footprint; and
promote green procurement.
First, ICT can contribute upstream by advancing climate science research.
To take more informed actions on climate change, we need to know what is happening to planetary ecosystems.
Technology, AI in particular, can be a powerful tool for climate research.
For example, AI can measure changes in icebergs 10,000 times faster than a human.
It can create detailed maps of ocean litter in remote locations.
It can map millions of hectares of forest to measure forest density and deforestation rates11.
Second, ICT can help businesses optimise their workflows, and reduce wastage of resources.
In manufacturing, Evercomm, a company founded by two NTU alumni, is driving process improvements on the factory floor12.
Evercomm’s network of sensors are attached to factory equipment to generate data on resource use.
Machine learning algorithms then suggest optimal equipment settings and production schedules.
MNCs such as General Electric and GlobalFoundries have used these insights to fine-tune their operations and reduce energy usage.
In land transport, Clickargo is optimising the usage of commercial vehicles.
By providing a platform to track vehicle movement and optimise vehicle routes, Clickargo helps companies reduce emissions by shortening delivery routes, weeding out vehicle idling, and closing the delivery loop faster.
Third, ICT can provide novel solutions for decarbonisation.
Take for example the direct air capture of carbon dioxide – a nascent technology which is currently expensive but will be necessary if the world is to reach net-zero.
Using AI, researchers from the University of Surrey demonstrated a 16% increase in carbon capture from a coal-fired power station.
AI algorithms increased the flow rate of water containing limestone to trap carbon in reaction to spikes in emission levels from the coal plant13.
Another example - novel carbon-absorbent materials.
Scientists are using generative AI to design new materials without relying on time-consuming experimental work.
A supercomputer then calculates key properties such as stability and capacity for carbon capture. Billions of such candidates can be surveyed at once14.
The aim is to find a material that is very effective at carbon capture at low cost.
Fourth, ICT solutions can help companies map their carbon footprint and meet sustainability reporting requirements.
Singapore has introduced mandatory climate reporting.
While the reporting is directed at large companies, SMEs in the supply chains of these companies will then come under pressure to report their carbon footprint.
We will need to find a way to lower the compliance costs on companies, especially SMEs, in meeting these reporting requirements.
ESGPedia, a Singapore-based digital platform, is trying to do just that.
It collects operational data from companies, calculates carbon emissions, and submits the data for independent verification.
Companies can generate performance reports to demonstrate progress towards green targets, and use them to access financing.
For example, textile manufacturer Ghim Li partnered with ESGPedia to successfully obtain a S$16 million sustainability-linked loan from OCBC to finance investments to reduce carbon emissions intensity in its garment factories15.
Fifth, the ICT sector can promote green procurement to nudge companies across the supply chain towards more sustainable practices.
The government is leaning in with its procurement budget.
It now requires ICT equipment that it purchases to meet the ENERGY STAR standard – a globally recognised standard for energy efficiency.
Up to 5% of the evaluation points for ICT tenders worth S$10 million and above is allocated to sustainability considerations.
The government is looking into other areas such as assessing the quality of sustainability reporting by ICT companies, and the power usage effectiveness of data centres used by cloud providers.
ICT companies can also incentivise suppliers to transition faster through green procurement contracts.
Globally, the Big Tech companies have been taking the lead.
Apple has committed to becoming carbon-neutral across all its supply chains by 203016.
Google is asking its largest hardware suppliers to commit to using 100% renewable energy by 202917.
Locally, the SingTel Group incorporates a carbon fee of $50 per tonne of carbon emissions in its tender process for projects surpassing 1,000 tonnes18, and requires its largest suppliers to disclose their environmental impact and carbon reduction plans.
There is scope to do much more green procurement in Singapore.
Progress has been slow due to two factors:
one, green procurement will come at a higher cost;
two, concerns of being accused of “greenwashing” if such procurement is done poorly.
These concerns are not trivial but can be mitigated.
Green procurement may indeed be more costly in the short-term, but it is an investment in medium-term competitiveness, as sustainability reporting kicks in and companies’ emissions level come under greater scrutiny.
And by building capabilities, greenwashing risks can be reduced over time.
We can promote green procurement through coalitions of like-minded companies.
One, companies can collaborate and jointly demand for green products and services. Aggregated demand can stimulate supply at scale and lower unit costs.
Two, companies can build a base of practical knowledge on green procurement.
The National Sustainable Procurement Roundtable (NSPR) is a good example.
It has published a suppliers’ guide which lays out how companies can design, implement, and track progress in green procurement, including guidance on avoiding common greenwashing risks.
Let me conclude.
We should not have to choose between technology and sustainability. The geek and the green can co-exist; in fact, they must. But it will not be easy. It will require determined effort, creative collaboration, and a hard-headed approach. We need both the optimism of the geek and the realism of the green.
I wish you a fruitful day – knocking heads together on how to green the geek and how the geek can enable the green.
1 International Energy Agency. (2024). World Energy Investment 2024: Overview and key findings.
2 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. (2024). Digital Economy Report 2024.
3 Green Software Foundation. (2023, September 27). Energizing the ICT sector: Meet Dr. Ong Chen Hui of Singapore's IMDA.
4 Infocomm Media Development Authority. (2024, May 29). Green Data Centre (DC) Roadmap.
5 Tham, I. (2022, July 20). Singapore pilots sustainable way to grow data centre capacity. The Straits Times.
6 Heng, S.K. (2024, May 30). Speech at the Asia Tech x Singapore 2024 Opening Ceremony. Prime Minister's Office Singapore.
7 Rajah & Tann Asia. (2024, June). Singapore’s Green Data Centre Roadmap: Carving a Route for a Sustainable Digital Future.
8 Infocomm and Media Development Authority. (2023, June 8). IMDA introduces sustainability standard for data centres operating in tropical climates.
9 College of Design and Engineering, National University of Singapore. (n.d.). Sustainable Tropical Data Centre Testbed: Research Programme and Facility. Retrieved January 9, 2025, from
10 K, Ajay, & Davenport, K. (2023, July 20). How to make generative AI greener. Harvard Business Review.
11 Masterson, V. (2024, Feb 12). 9 ways AI is helping tackle climate change. World Economic Forum.
12The Straits Times. (2022, September 1). Data to counter climate change: How his firm gets everyone to play a part in protecting the planet.
13 Ross, K.M. (2024, January 17). Study shows AI could revolutionise carbon capture systems. Power Technology.
14 Sagoff, J. (2024, February 14). Argonne scientists use AI to identify new materials for carbon capture. Argonne National Laboratory.
15 Tan, S. (2024, February 5). OCBC provided over $7b in sustainable financing to SMEs in 2023. The Straits Times.
16 Apple. (n.d.). Supply chain innovation. Retrieved January 7, 2025, from
17 Segal, M. (2024, July 3). Google Asks Large Suppliers to Commit to 100% Renewable Energy as Emissions Continue to Rise. ESG Today.
18 SingTel Group. (2024, July 1). Singtel Group Sustainability Report 2024.